The church at the centre of the infamous protest is now in a further bind — of red tape.

The Star Online reported that a data check by city council officers revealed that the church had yet to send in a written application to be designated as a place of worship.

It also does not have the requisite permissions to display a cross.

PJ City Council (MBPJ) public relations officer Zainun Zakaria said all places of worship intending to display religious symbols must get a council permit.

On Sunday, April 19, a group of 50 gathered at the church, protesting that the publicly displayed cross was a challenge to Islam.

They demanded the cross be taken down for this reason and church officials complied.

Zainun said the church could apply for the necessary permits, which were primarily for the occupants’ safety.

“Shoplots that are converted into places of worship or meditation centres must comply to Act 133 Section 70(12) and a written application with the activities described must be submitted for approval. We need this compliance to ensure the safety of the people using the building,” she said.

As to the cross, Zainun said, ““Be it a lotus, trident or a cross, a council permit is needed.”

Officers from the council went to meet with church representatives on Monday. However, there was no-one there at the time.