Guan Eng, Abdul Rahman Trade Barbs On Twitter

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng was involved in a cyber spat with Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan on Monday night, with both politicians trading barbs on Twitter.

The online scuffle started shortly after Abdul Rahman tweeted: “Where did DAP get the money to have (sic) multimillion ringgit headquarters in Penang? Hope it's not corruption.”

This prompted Lim to unleash a slew of vitriol against the Kota Belud MP, calling him a “useless coward”.

“Do not be a useless coward, just say that I am corrupted in our DAP HQ so that I can sue you for defamation and lies! Anak jantankah (Are you man enough)?” an irate Lim spewed.

Seemingly unperturbed by the Bagan MP’s admonishment against him, Abdul Rahman retorted: “Do I sense anger in your response? 

Have I touched on raw nerves of yours? Why are you not responding to legitimate question?”

He continued firing salvos at Lim, the Bagan MP, saying he was not afraid of Lim's “bullying tactics”.

“Lim called BN corrupted umpteen times. Kami sabar (We were patient). When I asked where DAP got its millions to build its HQ, he went berserk! Wow!”

Lim, who is Penang chief minister, responded by berating Abdul Rahman and challenging him to state alleged incidences of corruption that occurred in the party.

“Do you dare to take my challenge and call me corrupt? BN CORRUPT when Washington Post declared Malaysia as most corrupt country on earth!"

To this, Abdul Rahman retaliated by saying: “Penang is part of Malaysia... No?”

The bout ended after two hours when Lim did not respond to his opponent’s final tweet. NST